Tuesday, September 28, 2010

my friends of all political parties and sexual orientations united! (but not at the same time)

sooo this weekend. it was a little redonk.  an by that i am referring to the title of this post. as boris and i bounced around from madison to mke and everywhere in-between, i came to a striking conclusion: my god, my friends are each vastly different species. its like the circle of life... you need everyone to keep the balance, and simba as king, but you really dont want to have lunch at the Pfister with both Sean Hannity and Hilary Clinton. but luckily enough nothing keeps me from a good time with amazing people and i was able to form a few new trinities while keeping with a much loved tradition... t party as consummate party-pooper and unwilling third-wheel.  (extremely apt example below)

i also wanted to share a few amazing photos from Estee Meuer... shes got passion

copyright 2010 Estee Meuer