yes, this blog is called sunday... and this post is called tuesday. DONT FREAK OUT! anyways... i dont have much to post at the moment, but the good news is that i finished developing my two good rolls of film in the dark room today, and i am please to report, the negatives look CLUTTTCHHHH!! i know they will be amazing. as far as i can tell the real winners are a few pictures from the bio-dome; a gardern nome holding my shoes, me kicking a potted plant by a sign that says "do not KICK" ... i mean what the heck. why is there a sign about kicking foliage? im sure thats not the first destructive thought that comes into someones mind when they want to vandalize mini-climate shrubbery. there were also a few good ones of boris cooking food after the badgergame... lots of homeless looking kids wandering around mifflin outside the window... all in all im pretty sure there were a few, if not many, mega-winners.
until then, enjoy this picture i took of the sydney opera house!