glimpses of "the making of the puzzle modular unit problem".

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
yama and niyama, the way better version of the ten commandments... trust me.
so i was talking to mads today (my mom) and we started talking about why morality is important... it sets the stage for the play, which you can think of as your spiritual journey to awakening. you need to have that morality to make it possible to actually be inside of yourself and begin your spiritual journey... morality is setting up your stage so that the play can be a beautiful triumph! as she was talking she said something about the "nama yara namas" which after 35 mins of googleing, yielded no results. but i eventually deduced that she meant yama niyama, the yoga sutra's version of the 10 commandments. i like this version because its much more connected to the universe! ennnjoyyyy!
• Nonviolence (ahimsa). Do no harm to any creature in thought or deed. In his book Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda asks Mahatma Gandhi the definition of ahimsa. Gandhi said, "The avoidance of harm to any living creature in thought or deed." Yogananda asked if one could kill a cobra to protect a child. Gandhi maintained he would still hold to his vow of ahimsa, but added, "I must confess that I could not serenely carry on this conversation were I faced by a cobra."
• Truth and honesty (satya). Tell no lies. Cheating on your income taxes falls into this category.
• Nonstealing (asteya). Do not steal material objects (a car) or intangibles such as the center of attention or your child's chance to learn responsibility or independence by doing something on his own.
• Nonlust (brahmacharya). Don't worry; this is not a call to celibacy. Many yogis of old were married and had families of their own. The person who practices brahmacharya avoids meaningless sexual encounters and, as the well-known teacher B.K.S. Iyengar puts it, "sees divinity in all."
• Nonpossessiveness (aparigraha). Free yourself from greed, hoarding, and collecting. Do you really need more shoes, another car, or to hog the conversation every time you see your friends? Make your life as simple as possible.
• Purity (shauca). Purity is achieved through the practice of the five yamas, which help clear away the negative physical and mental states of being. Keep yourself, your clothing, and your surroundings clean. Eat fresh and healthy food. The next time you joke about treating your body like a temple, think of this niyama.
• Contentment (santosha). Cultivate contentment and tranquility by finding happiness with what you have and who you are. Seek happiness in the moment, take responsibility for where you are, and choose to grow from there.
• Austerity (tapas). Show discipline in body, speech, and mind. The purpose of developing self-discipline is not to become ascetic, but to control and direct the mind and body for higher spiritual aims or purposes.
• Study of the sacred text (svadhyaya). Study sacred texts, which are whatever books are relevant to you and inspire and teach you. Education changes a person's outlook on life. As Iyengar says, a person starts "to realize that all creation is meant for bhakti (adoration) rather than for bhoga (enjoyment), that all creation is divine, that there is divinity within himself and that the energy which moves him is the same that moves the entire universe."
• Living with an awareness of the Divine (ishvara-pranidhana). Be devoted to God, Buddha, or whatever you consider divine.
Friday, November 5, 2010
3D art problem set 4: serial planes
materials; book. (which happens to be twilight... because im never going to read it again.)
© Chapin 2010. All rights reserved.
Monday, October 25, 2010
It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. - e.e. cummings
How fantastical and stymied is she?
Tidal waves break before calm shores
Destroying villages that beat to her heart.
To lay to waste the fields of seeds
Sown by her own hand with love and tenderness
Throwing her fingers to the sky lights
And the wild wind exploding in her hair
Wild lights dancing with wonder through her blood
The luminosity of life shines through her pores
But her own jubilated dance leads her oft to familiar ground
Memories of pain and betrayal lace her tears
And her feet dance on hot and cracked ground
Barren of life.
She can run.
She can curse the land that robbed her of life
Suffocated the seeds of love she had sown
And cut her tender soles as she longed for a place to rest them.
But she may not run… this time.
She may bend her ear to the heavens and rejoice!
For the desolate land before her may yet yield a new crop
She may sow a new seed and it may soak up the acidic soil and make new baskets of nourishment.
Her soul can lead her anywhere
And it knows where to go,
If only she will listen
If only she will still her raging seas and dazzle on the water.
For now she is a woman. And her choice is her own
She loves you and if you will weather her storm
She will alight within you her fiery grace
And feed you delicacies that your heart has only imagined.
Fairy Floss
Photography class: LOVEEEE this class! i have two bomb-digg rolls to develop from the nunnery we went to on a field trip the other day, and ive had to turn in most of my other developed pics for assignments.... but i have a select few that i cant wait to share with you!
self portrait |
"radial" |
Portrait - Carolyn Kau |
"void" |
"query" - self portrait |
"myraid" all photos COPYRIGHT 2010 Chapin Photo |
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so yes, it was a bit of a roller coaster-y weekend... some details will most definitely be best remained locked in the vault of me memory collecting dust and cobwebs until i one day pen my personal memoirs (which ill get into another day...) BUT i did get to see Warren Miller's WINTERVENTION at the Pabst on friday!!! oh. sweet, sweet. little baby jesus. who brings us pow pow and the mental abilities to create a helicopter; HEAR MY PRAYERS! let it snow... 3 feet of white fluffy goodness tonight. and for every day after until february 25th. (i dont want to be locked in a blizz for my b dizz) Ahhh anyways it was magical... all about heli-skiing, and WAY better then last years. observe the trailer below:
just makes you want to run outside and put snow down your friends pants doesn't it?! sadly we must wait, since it is a few short days away from the end of october and the temperature has been about low 70- mid 80 degrees the last 3 weeks.
IN OTHER NEWS: i have figured out my halloween costume, which i really put off til the last minute this year... and the winner is: PABLO ESCOBAR!! yes, i admitt i mostly chose this costume becuase i have long yearned to wear a fake mustache on haloween, and to be a bad-ass (stuffed olives, toasters, the Berlin wall, a tube of toothpaste? hardly intimidating, except for how much time and effort where put into their glorious creation.) So i will be the most bad-ass person i can think of, that wont get me hate-crimed.
anyway... think ssssnnnnooooo
anyway... think ssssnnnnooooo
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
i used to write poetry all the time, and in the last few weeks ive been writting alot more. i really love it and it makes me happy and feel close to the world. i decided to post this once because it is my favorite:
A POEM TO MY HEART, because it needed one:
A POEM TO MY HEART, because it needed one:
My tenderest heart, soft and light
I know you fear the loneliness of night
The coldness of a strangers touch
And the misery of rejection
My beautiful and ever-expanding heart,
I know your heart-pangs of worry
When you begin to lean against the warmth of another
And long to trust once again.
My wincing and fearful heart,
You are full to the brim with love
Your warm blood aches to beat in time with another
To be held by soft and loving hands that will protect you from all harm.
I too long for this for you
For the peace of security
And for the happiness of ease
And to know circumstance can never sever your beats from another’s rhythm.
Come my own precious and good heart
Come to my soft hands that will protect you from all harm
Lean against me and let my love warm your nights
I promise to always love you and secure you above all else
And I promise that for all of eternity,
No circumstance will ever sever our rhythms from each other.
wise words to live by from the Dali Lama
1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve
great risk.
2. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
3. Follow the three R’s: Respect for self, respect for others,
responsibility for all your actions.
responsibility for all your actions.
4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful
stroke of luck.
stroke of luck.
5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
6. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
7. When you realize you've made a mistake,
take immediate steps to correct it.
take immediate steps to correct it.
8. Spend some time alone every day.
9. Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.
10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
11. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think
back, you'll be able enjoy it a second time.
back, you'll be able enjoy it a second time.
12. A loving atmosphere in your home
is the foundation for your life.
is the foundation for your life.
13. In disagreements with loved ones,
deal only with the current situation.
Don't bring up the past.
deal only with the current situation.
Don't bring up the past.
14. Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality.
15. Be gentle with the earth.
16. Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.
17. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love
for each other exceeds your need for each other.
for each other exceeds your need for each other.
18. Judge your success by what you had to give up
in order to get it.
in order to get it.
19. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
my friends of all political parties and sexual orientations united! (but not at the same time)
sooo this weekend. it was a little redonk. an by that i am referring to the title of this post. as boris and i bounced around from madison to mke and everywhere in-between, i came to a striking conclusion: my god, my friends are each vastly different species. its like the circle of life... you need everyone to keep the balance, and simba as king, but you really dont want to have lunch at the Pfister with both Sean Hannity and Hilary Clinton. but luckily enough nothing keeps me from a good time with amazing people and i was able to form a few new trinities while keeping with a much loved tradition... t party as consummate party-pooper and unwilling third-wheel. (extremely apt example below)
i also wanted to share a few amazing photos from Estee Meuer... shes got passion
copyright 2010 Estee Meuer
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
yes, this blog is called sunday... and this post is called tuesday. DONT FREAK OUT! anyways... i dont have much to post at the moment, but the good news is that i finished developing my two good rolls of film in the dark room today, and i am please to report, the negatives look CLUTTTCHHHH!! i know they will be amazing. as far as i can tell the real winners are a few pictures from the bio-dome; a gardern nome holding my shoes, me kicking a potted plant by a sign that says "do not KICK" ... i mean what the heck. why is there a sign about kicking foliage? im sure thats not the first destructive thought that comes into someones mind when they want to vandalize mini-climate shrubbery. there were also a few good ones of boris cooking food after the badgergame... lots of homeless looking kids wandering around mifflin outside the window... all in all im pretty sure there were a few, if not many, mega-winners.
until then, enjoy this picture i took of the sydney opera house!
until then, enjoy this picture i took of the sydney opera house!
KATE moss 1990.... THE FACE magazine
just a little morsel of awesome i stumbled across while i was supposed to be doing color theory. soak it in.....
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
pretty lights
i was at a party on saturday... and i got fixated on these lights... unfortunately i only had my cellphone camera so i cant really do it justice, but you get the idea
Sunday, September 12, 2010
back to scoo back to scoo...
welllll welll wellllll. school has started again and we're right back into the swing of things here in milwaukee wi, home of beer, cheese, baseball, bro-bars, and of course a rich cultured art scene that thrives just below the surface... out of sight but not out of reach. this semester be expecting some new and exciting schtuff to emerge, as im taking a 3d class, a color theory class, and PHOTOGRAPHY! yessss mr thering of edgewood hs fame has not squashed my excitement about this overused, cliched, and accessable art form! but to kick it all off i will post my first 3d class assignment... the concept of 3d freaked me out, but that is no more.. so without further ado, SWIZZ CHEEZE.
3D class problem #1 Swizz Cheeze medium: 1 whole piece of poster board, not allowed to use adhesives. tools used: exacto knife, ruler, #2 pencil.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
read. this. sh. now.
basicly this is what i think about every day and have never really been able to totally verbalize. anyways. this is important.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

SHABAT SHALOM! hello again, little bloggie friends. i have decided to start my blog again! for my fashion careers class i decided that i should continue on documenting my fash-capades, since i am no longer a fash major and have turned to art! id say that when i was a fash maj all i did was think about clothes, touch clothes, and judge clothes... barely any time to actually pic out fits! so not that im off that track, i again have my undevided attention (besides my million hour art labs) to bring you the latest from my brain to your lappy screen. hope your still out there guys! and if your not... ehh. youll be back.
schhhluuuvssss your main squeeze,
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